Terms and order of accepting papers

  1. The editorial staff accept for publication materials in the Russian language on the topics which correspond to the key scientific trends of the journal. Research papers are accepted within a period of one year and on condition of positive feedback from independent experts, are included in the upcoming issue of the journal.
  2. The journal publishes articles characterized by a huge degree of scientific novelty and theoretical and practical significance. The basic scientific results of the conducted research ought to be presented in the paper. The materials ought to be original, not published anywhere else before. Authors may be scientists-researchers, doctorate and postgraduate students, applicants for a degree.
  3. Authors submit to the editorial office of the journal to an e-mail: iin_mail@mail.ru one Microsoft Office file with the research paper itself and information about the author. The file is named in the following way: initials (Surname, Name (N) Patronymic (P) – the paper’s field of science (in case of two or more authors, only the first author’s surname in indicated). Files infected by viruses are not processed and are not accepted for publishing.
  4. Materials received by the editorial office are registered and the confirmation of receipt in sent to the author(s) via an e-mail within three days.
  5. Articles that do not correspond to publication terms and uniform typography requirements are not accepted.
  6. If a critical review contains recommendations on correcting and making some alternations of the paper, it is forwarded to the author with the suggestion to take these recommendations into account while making a new version of the paper. The day of receiving the final version of the paper by the editorial staff is in this case considered the receipt date.
  7. Postgraduate students are also required to enclose with the article the scanned copy of their scientific research adviser’s review signed by the adviser and officially sealed by the corresponding institution together with the certificate acknowledging the fact of doing a postgraduate course and the date of its termination.
  8. Corrections are not sent and received materials are not returned to the authors.
  9. No fee is paid for publication.